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Celebrate HALLOWEEN like a true witch or wizard!

Does your child love Harry Potter? Are you looking for a truly unique style of Halloween party where they can be transformed into a real witch or wizard!


Welcome to the class of 2024! A party taught by a real professor from the magical school itself, have the children become the students of the Muggle school of 2024, from potion classes, to spell classes, quidditch for muggles and triwizard tournaments!


Walk away with a trick or a treat if they are lucky!


Just £11.99 a ticket!

School for Muggles Halloween Party 31st October.png

House Sorting Ceremony

Potion Class

Spell Class

Duelling lesson

Broomstick Quiditch for Muggles

Twiwizard Tournaments

Themed Games​

Mini Harry Potter Facepainting  

Broomstick Limbo

Graduation Ceremony

Use magic to create snow! 

Trick or Treat prize​

£11.99 per child, 90 minute long party

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